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light background
dark background


percentagePrecisionpercentage-precisionIf the percentage number is shown, how many decimal places should be visiblenumber0
progressPercentageprogress-percentageProgress in percentage. Must be a number between 0 and 100.number0
progressTextprogress-textText to display for the progress bar.string''
showPercentageshow-percentageShow the percentage number on the progress bar. The value is rounded according to the 'percentagePrecision' and 'trailingZeroes' properties.booleantrue
trailingZeroestrailing-zeroesIf 'percentagePrecision' is larger than 0, should we display the trailing zeroes. For example if the progress is 1.5% and the 'percentagePrecision' is 2 then the displayed text will be '1.50%' if trailing zeroes are enabled and '1.5%' if trailing zeroes are disabled. Uses the toFixed(..) function in the background.booleanfalse
variantvariantColor variant of the progress bar."dark" | "light"'light'

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