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Default calendar
Changed week start day and no outer month days
Default calendar
Changed week start day and no outer month days


Innomotics date-picker.


formatformatDate format string. See "" for all available tokens.string'yyyy/LL/dd'
fromfromThe selected starting date. If the date-picker is not in range mode this is the selected date. Format has to match the format property.stringundefined
i18nDonei18n-doneText of date select buttonstring'Done'
localelocaleFormat of time string See "" for all available tokens.stringundefined
maxDatemax-dateThe latest date that can be selected by the date picker. If not set there will be no restriction.stringundefined
minDatemin-dateThe earliest date that can be selected by the date picker. If not set there will be no restriction.stringundefined
rangerangeIf true a date-range can be selected (from/to).booleantrue
showOuterDaysshow-outer-daysShow the days outside the selected month.booleantrue
totoThe selected end date. If the date-picker is not in range mode this property has no impact. Format has to match the format property.stringundefined
weekStartIndexweek-start-indexThe index of which day to start the week on, based on the Locale#weekdays array. E.g. if the locale is en-us, weekStartIndex = 1 results in starting the week on monday.number0


dateChangeTriggers if the date selection changes.CustomEvent<{ from: string; to: string; }>


getCurrentDate() => Promise<{ from: string; to: string; }>

Get the currently selected date-range.


Type: Promise<{ from: string; to: string; }>


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